I will introduce the number 34 as shown by Dr Yeap using bundles of stiicks , 3 bundles with 10 sticks in each bundle and 4 ones, the children can count them and as they count they visualise the representation of how many tens and ones are there. Let them to explore the concept. Then will explain to them that 30 is 3 tens and 4 is 4 ones. then will introduce the place value chart. Then will explain that 30 and 4 expanded notation and then will explain that 30 and 4 together is 34 and lastly the number word.
Therefore my sequence will be:
1. 3tens and 4 ones - the numbers in tens and ones
2. 3tens and 4 ones in chart - using place value
3. 30 and 4 - expanded notation
4. 34 - numerals
5. thirty-four - number words
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